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AqAdvisor does NOT use the simple (but flawed) inch-per gallon rule.
The underlying algorithm is much more sophisticated and time consuming to implement.
Please check our article under 'Beginner's Article' for more details.
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To new tropical fish keepers: is a
tool/calculator that helps you determine your tropical fish
stocking plans. It does not guarantee that the selected species will
completely get along in the long run. We are making every efforts to
identify potential problems and display them as warnings, but this
takes time as knowledge database grows. We highly recommend you to do
further research, and discuss results on your favorite aquarium forums
and websites. Your favorite aquarium forums won't necessarily
endorse or agree with the recommendations reported by Use to get general
stocking recommendations but do your own research BEFORE buying any
species. We highly recomend that new tropical fish keepers
understock (less than 100%) their aquarium tanks.
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